Tonight we played Husky hockey, we skated hard, we played hard, we hit hard, and even though Zaba did a great job from the first minutes of the first period Tech dominated the game. They took shots, they played the angles they picked up the extra man when on defense. And even on the odd chances when the defense did break down Teslak was there to make an awe inspiring stop. This is the team we've been waiting for, and this is the team that is going to give nightmares to any team that draws them for the rest of the year.
While this was a complete team effort and the entire team deserves the credit for this victory I would like to give a special mention for a great effort put forth on the weekend from the Michigan Tech freshmen class. Their determination and effort never failed on the weekend and in the end it only seems fitting that the series winning goal was a product of the effort two walk-on freshmen.
Next stop St. Paul from there the skies the limit. This is only the beginning not only do we have more to do this year, the future is definitely bright.
The future's so bright I gotta wear shades
I wish we had more pictures or videos of the celebration. Watching them celebrate after the time expired on Sunday night was such an amazing, emotional experience. Watching Teslak jump up and down on the ice... it was just so awesome.
YEA Tech. You have NO IDEA how happy I am that you knocked out CC. Glad CC is out but even happier that your guys made it. Congrats! Will we be seeing you at the F5? I promise to not swear at you or throw BBQ sauce on you.
Naturally. I'll be there. The Darkness will be there. Boosh will be there. And most importantly .... MY TEAM WILL BE THERE!! :)
Boosh will only be there Thursday unless he can get a Friday ticket
You should be able to get a ticket without a problem. Poke and prod around USCHO a bit. Go to the Meet n' Greet thread. Go to the ticket threads. Also, UW fans might be selling their tickets after Thursday's game... so watch for that. ;)
Boosh- chances are you can buy them outside the X on game day too.
MEg-I'll only be at the Saturday championship game but I'll be keeping an eye out for your resident hottie. A Nolan sighting one more time this year would be sweet:)
Congratulations to Michigan Tech - you guys did what you had to to win. Great effort & good luck.
Way to go Huskies! Three goals against in 3 games was superb. Now back down closer to sea level for another good defensive game. You're doing it right (and way to go you defensemen) from top to bottom of the roster.
Bob T, Royal Oak
Congrats to Tech for officially moving out of the WCHA basement and into the spare bedroom. Next stop, the penthouse suite!
Unfortunately I won't be able to make the Thursday game, but if Tech gets to the championship, you can be sure that I'll be hauling myself to St. Paul.
Go Huskies
-Kevin in Iowa
Thank you all for your kind comments. The team has worked SO HARD this year and they definitely deserve this. Their job isn't done yet though.
Here's to at least two more victories this season! Hopefully 7 more. :)
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